Frisbee Play

Frisbee's are a timeless classic, whether at the park or on the beach, a Frisbee is always a fun way to pass the time away!

For a child, throwing a Frisbee can be a rewarding experience, as they move from the frustrations of not being able to throw it properly, to the excitement of seeing it fly through the air!

At Imagine, we enjoy playing with soft Frisbees that don't hurt if they hit you, but can still fly well with their padded edges. We recommend the Dodgebee, which comes in different sizes.
Image result for dodgebee

Children from around 5 years old begin to possess the motor skills and coordination to be able to throw a Frisbee properly (with a backhand throw). When teaching them, first show the correct grip, with the thumb on top of the Frisbee and the fingers holding the underside.
If using the right hand to throw, bring the Frisbee across to the left side of the chest and bend wrist in. Then swing arm back across to the right side, releasing the Frisbee with a straight wrist towards the target.
With a little practice, your child will soon be able to throw a smooth, and hopefully straight, Frisbee.

Then you can enjoy some games!

Frisbee Games

  • Catch - The most simple game. Just enjoy throwing in a pair or group. For a challenge you can try to reach a target number of successful catches.
  • Frisbee Golf - Set up a target (a hula-hoop works well), and see how many throws it takes to reach or hit the target. 
  • Frisbee tag - This is one of the favorite games of the preschool class (best played in a group of four or more. More players=more fun). Mark out a playing area (we usually do a circle of about 10-15 meters diameter) and choose who will be starting with the Frisbee. The starter must try to hit the other people with the Frisbee (we don't recommend playing this with a hard Frisbee!). If someone gets hit by the Frisbee or runs outside the playing area, they change to the Frisbee team and can work together to try and hit more people. The players in the Frisbee team cannot move when holding the Frisbee so they should work together to pass it to each other. The last person left is the winner!

We hope you can enjoy these Frisbee games together!

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